Simplify Gardening
with Free Planting Calculators!
Pops of petals
Planting calculators are your digital companions in the quest for horticultural perfection. These free tools take the guesswork out of various gardening calculations. Whether determining seed starting dates or wondering how many bags of soil to get at the garden center, our free calculators make it extremely easy for you.
Soil Calculator
Calculates the number of bags needed for any garden bed size and the soil ratio of your choice. Results are given in common bag sizes for easy shopping.
Plant Quantity Calculator
Calculates the number of plants needed to fill a garden area or row based on desired plant spacing. This helps you plan ahead and make use of all available space.
Seed Sowing Date Calculator
Calculates the date to start indoor seed sowing according to your last frost date.
More free planting calculators and online gardening tools will be added soon. Stay tuned…
More free planting calculators and online gardening tools will be added to our collection in the near future.
We understand the importance of having easy access to reliable resources for garden planning, and we are committed to continuously expanding our offerings.
Stay tuned for these valuable tools that will assist you in creating and maintaining your garden with precision and efficiency.
Soil Calculator: Prepping Soil with Precision
Every expert gardener knows that a bountiful harvest starts with the soil. Rough estimates don’t always work out so well.
Our “Soil Calculator” determines the exact volume of soil you’ll need. After you enter the dimensions and select a soil ratio, it gives you the exact number of bags to buy for topsoil and compost in garden centers’ most popular bag sizes.
Total Soil Volume
Custom Ratios
Precise Bag Counts in Popular Sizes
Plant Quantity Calculator: Maximize a Garden’s Potential
When creating a lush garden, knowing the exact number of plants required makes all the difference between a garden that’s bursting with life and one that’s a little lackluster. Our “Plant Quantity Calculator” helps you determine the perfect number of plants for optimal growth and a full-looking garden.
Choose between a row or area, then enter the dimensions and desired spacing between plants. That’s all you need to ensure each plant has enough room to grow without waste or overcrowding.
Garden Area or Row
Maximizes Every Square Inch
Exact # of Plants
Seed Sowing Date Calculator: Timing Is Everything
Starting your seeds at the right time is critical to your garden’s success. Our “Seed Sowing Date Calculator” is a handy tool that counts back the weeks from your expected last frost date in spring. It makes quick work of determining the perfect timing for seed starting as you map out a schedule that ensures each plant gets a head start at the optimum time.
Quick Garden Planning
Accurate Dates
Timely Seed Sowing
Master Your Garden: Know Your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone
Understanding your environment is necessary for gardening, and planting zone maps are valuable tools in addition to calculators. The average minimum winter temperature determines these zones and gives you a solid understanding of which perennial plants will survive winter in your area.